This Week On tonebase — #021
NOTE: Hey all, we’ve begun posting our weekly newsletters on our blog as well! Enjoy the tonebase newsletter now no matter what device you’re on, in a gorgeous interface courtesy of Medium! (- Abhi / tonebase)
Celil Refik Kaya on Goldberg Variations
In another stunning masterclass, Celil Refik Kaya shares insights on J.S. Bach’s masterpiece for piano- the Goldberg Variations.
Kaya begins with the Aria, demonstrating and explaining how to achieve the piece’s distinct galant style.
Watch It Here
Q&A With Sanel Redzic & Sabrina Vlaskalic
Sanel Redzic and Sabrina Vaskalic sit down for an exclusive tonebase Q&A session.
Subjects include vibrato, methods of practicing, and several exercises for warming up and practicing tremolo.
Watch It Here
FROM THE BLOG: Artist Profile — Tariq Harb
If you are unfamiliar with tonebase artist Tariq Harb’s journey from the world of finance to finding his passion for guitar, then you’ll want to take a moment to read this week’s blog post!
Read About Tariq Harb
VIDEO HIGHLIGHT: Tal Hurwitz On Etude №2
Hurwitz shares his fingerings and gives technical insights on Villa Lobos’s famous Etude №2, and demonstrates how to master difficult pieces such as this one.
Watch It Here
tonebase + D’Adarrio Giveaway Winners
We are giving away strings to FIVE lucky winners and without further ado, they are:
Kristina O. Vårlid
Adrian Montero
Nikos Mourgis
George Anagnostopoulos
Kawin Watanasuchat
Congratulations to you all, and to everyone who entered- thank you so much. Stay tuned to the next giveaway coming VERY soon!
Like Us On Facebook & Don’t Miss Another Giveaway
COMMUNITY: We’re Featuring YOU!
We’d love to feature one of you, amazing tonebaser’s (we’re making it a thing!) in our weekly newsletter.
For your chance to be featured, write to us at team@tonebase.cowith a video of yourself playing and something fun about you!
We will ask you a few questions about yourself, about tonebase, as well as tools you think would benefit the community! Read below for an example!
Write Us Here
This week, we’re kicking off our tonebase community feature with an interview with tonebaser Marcelo Cortina.
Marcelo is a passionate guitarist from Brazil who graduated from the University of Santa Maria and we’d like to thank to him for taking some time to talk to us this week and answer a few questions about his experience with tonebase and tonebase Interactive! Without further ado, here’s Marcelo and Abhi.
Abhi: Hey Marcelo, thank you so much for taking the time! Can you introduce yourself a bit?
Marcelo: I’m Marcelo Cortina, a Brazilian guitarist who recently completed my Bachelor of Music at the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil), studying guitar with Marcos Kröning Corrêa at the academy.
Abhi: How did you hear about tonebase?
Marcelo: The first contact I had with tonebase was through your Facebook page (which you can find here) before the launch date!
Abhi: Ah, so you were an early user! We appreciate that. How have you found tonebase so far?
Marcelo: tonebase is being very helpful. Currently after my graduation, I don’t have a formal teacher. tonebase’s lessons help me out a lot on studying new repertoire. The concept is excellent! I have access to many great guitarists and composers around the world in my study room.
Abhi: That’s amazing and motivating for us to hear! We also see you booked a tonebase Interactive instruction session with Nikita Koshkin. Can you tell us a bit about that? How was the instruction from Maestro Koshkin?
Marcelo: The session session with Nikita Koshkin was awesome! He is a legend of our time. He gave me feedback on my playing of his masterpiece Usher Waltz, and it was very helpful- listening to the composer’s impressions about his own piece is priceless!
Abhi: Glad you enjoyed it and hope you will contact Koshkin again. So all that said, what would you most like to see on tonebase going forward?
Marcelo: Honestly don’t have any idea right now. Like I wrote before- the concept is great. It has been since the very beginning and you guys made it better with the tonebase Interactive initiative. My compliments to you all.
Abhi: Well we definitely appreciate it Marcelo. Any closing thoughts? Recommendations for the community or folks you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Marcelo: I would like to invite my fellow guitarists around the world to talk about our experiences with the guitar in our home cities. That would be productive for all of us. Feel free to contact me via Facebook or email (
I would also like to thank my colleagues at Fontaballa Productions (Breno Fixman, Mariana Magalhães and João Ises) who have done an excellent work on producing the video I am sending!
Abhi: And here’s that video- Marcelo Cortina with a fantastic rendition of the Brouwer piece Elogio de la Danza. Thanks for talking to us again Marcelo and have a great rest of your day.
If you’d like to be featured in next weeks tonebase Newsletter, write to us at telling us a bit about yourself and send us a video of yourself either as an attachment or on YouTube.
We can’t wait to hear from you all, and look forward to highlighting other amazing guitarists in the tonebase community!
Happy Friday everyone!
Not much to update this week- we’ve added some pretty awesome (well, we think so) new videos over the past few days, so if you haven’t checked them out yet make sure you head over to and do!
We’re also spearheading ways to bring our community closer together. So many of you use tonebase every day during your practice sessions, or just to gain insights from incredible guitarists throughout your day. But we think it would be even more amazing if you could all share insights with EACH OTHER as well.
To that end we’ve been working on a forum feature for tonebase (which if you would like to beta test, just reply to this email and ask to be a tonebase Forum tester — Abhi thanks you!) as well as a weekly community feature in the newsletter. So many of you read this email each week, and we’re truly grateful for it, so we believe it’s time we gave something back to the community by highlighting the exceptional individuals that make up tonebase.
Stay tuned for forums, features, emails, and new lessons coming real soon! From the team to you all, happy December!
Abhi, Chris & Igor
the tonebase team