NEW: Rene Izquierdo On Zapateado (Rodrigo)
Where’s your elbow at? Rene is here to set it straight with his NEW lesson on Zapateado.
This is the last of our series “Rene does Tres Piezas,” meaning every movement is now available below!
Watch Rene On Zapateado
NEW: Ali Arango On The 2nd Movement Of The Brouwer Sonata
Arango continues his series on the Brouwer Sonata by discussing the 2nd movement- “Sarabanda de Scriabin.” He ends by discussing several score errors discovered while performing for Leo Brouwer himself.
Watch Arango On Brouwer
NEW: Andrea Gonzalez On Grand Solo Part II (Sor)
The saying “good things come in pairs” couldn’t be more true for Andrea Gonzalez’s TWO lessons on Sor’s Grand Solo Part ✌️
Picking up where she left off, Andrea continues her tour of this masterpiece in a NEW video on the second half!
Presenting the latest addition to the tonebase Interactive roster — Kostas Tosidis!
Now you can get personalized video feedback directly from Kostas, only on tonebase. We will also be giving away one session with Kostas so stay tuned!
Book A Session With Kostas Here
We’re INCREDIBLY excited to announce a massive amount of new content headed your way on tonebase. Our cutmaster Chris is prepping the videos, and they will be on the platform in the coming week or two! Check out the, if we may say- awesome, list of videos & artists below and check our Facebook page for live updates!
Upcoming videos:
- Cordoba by Gohar Vardanyan
- On Practice, On Tremelo & Tango En Skai by Thomas Viloteau(THREE Videos, that’s right!)
- Regondi Etudes by Marco Tamayo
- Videos from Scott Tennant
- Videos from Rafael Aguirre (NEW tonebase artist)
- Videos from Tengyue Zhang (NEW tonebase artist)
- And videos from several others we will reveal over the coming weeks!
We want to thank our amazing artists for their time and work creating these incredible learning experiences, and thank YOU, our users, for continuing to support tonebase.
We’re excited to be able to grow the tonebase catalog and as we look towards the launch of tonebase premium, we hope you will join us in supporting our artists and keeping the videos coming at a much faster pace!
Feedback on the list? New artists you’d like to see on the platform? Send us an email to with any and all comments and we’ll be sure to get back to you asap!
As always, stay hungry, stay foolish*,
Abhi, Chris & Igor
the tonebase team
*Quote by Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Inc.